The Basics
Origin: Gas City, Indiana
Current City: Chicago, Illinois
Genres: The best of the 80's & MORE!
Years Active: 2005-Present
Label: Phat Tony Records NY, NY
Website: www.weddingbanned.com

The Story
After being banned from their hometown of Gas City, Indiana for being too wild, Wedding Banned relocated to Chicago and the legend began and is still going strong, 18 years later!
Dubbed the “World’s Greatest Wedding Band” this interactive group plays tons of rad 80’s music and guilty pleasures you and your friends love , whether they'll admit it or not.
At most shows, the night begins with a random couple getting married ON STAGE. What follows the wedding? The PARTY... or as your grandparents call it, the "reception."
CBS Chicago selected Wedding Banned as the"Best Wedding Band in Chicago." In addition, they've been featured on WGN Morning News, WCIU's theJAM, FOX32's 'Good Morning Chicago' and consistently play over 100 weddings, festivals, corporate events and venues a year.
So skip the ceremony and start the party with Wedding Banned!
"Best Wedding Band in Chicago!"
The Video

The Tour
Management: Bruce Winche'll | bruce@weddingbanned.com
Booking: Double D Booking, Dave Ensslin | dave@doubledbooking.com
Hospitality Rider